In a press release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, and Mauritanians Abroad on 25 March, the Islamic Republic of Mauritania strongly condemned the permission by the Danish authorities for the repetition of acts of provocation against the feelings of Muslims through the burning of copies of the Holy Quran.
The press release reads as follows:
“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, and Mauritanians Abroad of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania firmly condemns the Danish authorities’ permission for extremists to repeat acts of provocation against the feelings of Muslims through the burning of copies of the Holy Quran.
Such provocative, shameful, and irresponsible behavior, which contradicts the principles of democracy, freedom of expression, and human rights, is likely to further inflame feelings of resentment and hate between nations and cultures at a time when there is an urgent need to work to promote the values of dialogue, tolerance, and understanding among people and to strengthen joint efforts to combat fanaticism and extremism”.