On 17 September, Ms. Lalya Kamara, the Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development, returned to Nouakchott from Dakar, Senegal.
In the Senegalese capital, the Minister took part in the work of the high-level segment of the 18th Conference of African Environment Ministers.
She had several meetings and talks with several of her counterparts and officials of regional and international organizations concerned with salient environmental issues such as the climate, waste management, plastic pollution, particularly in the marine environment, and antibiotic resistance.
The Conference considered and adopted decisions relating to the upcoming negotiations on Climate (COP27), Biodiversity (COP15), and Africa’s participation in the development of a legally binding instrument on marine plastic pollution.
At the same time, Ms. Kamara delivered a speech, in her capacity as Vice-President of this organization, highlighting the environmental challenges facing Mauritania and Mauritania’s support for the establishment of a legally binding international instrument on plastic pollution, particularly the marine one, under the aegis of the UN Environment Assembly.