On 7 February, on the sidelines of the African Mining Indaba 2024 in Cape Town, South Africa, Mauritania and the United States of America signed an important document of cooperation, support, and technical assistance.
The document was signed, on the Mauritanian side, by Mr. Mohamed Yahya Ahmed Zerough, the Director General of Mines and Geology, and on the American side by Mr. Chris Davy, the Director of Energy Transition Affairs at the US State Department’s Office of Energy Resources.
The signing took place in the presence of HE Mr. Jarr Nalla, Mauritania’s Ambassador to South Africa and members of the delegation representing our country at the said conference.
This new cooperation is intended to support the Energy and Mining Governance Program in Mauritania to establish technical assistance mechanisms aimed at establishing detailed maps of mining resources and supporting the legal framework and the tax system.
Thanks to this agreement, our country will also benefit from support and assistance in financial incentives necessary to attract qualified investors in accordance with regulations and capacities capable of mitigating environmental and social impacts of mining activities.
Under the terms of the document, the United States, through the US State Department’s Office of Energy Resources, will provide support to the Ministry of Oil, Mines, and Energy and the National Agency of Geological Research and Mining Heritage (ANARPAM) with the aim of better understanding the mining potential of Mauritania, particularly that of minerals and substances involved in the field of energy transition, such as nickel, chromium, rare earths, cobalt, lithium, and copper.